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Медичний директор,гематолог, гемостазіолог


Досвід роботи: У практичній медицині: з 2003 року У гематологічній галузі: з 2013 рокуСтажування у європейських «Центрах тромбозу та гемостазу» (Словаччина, Австрія)
Пріоритетні напрями в практичній діяльності: - захворювання згортальної системи, що включає діагностику, профілактику та лікування причин кровотеч та тромбозів, як в терапевтичних так і в хірургічних пацієнтів - проблеми виношування плоду на ранніх та пізніх термінах, в яких траплялися викидні або ж при патологічному перебігу вагітності, жінки на гормонозамісній терапії - діагностика та корекція порушень у пацієнтів, що мають ризик повторних інфарктів/інсультів, тромбозів чи кровотеч різних локалізацій - діагностика і лікування анемійЖиттєве кредо: «Бути на 100 % щирою, незалежно від обставин, віддавати частинку себе тим, хто цього потребує. Ніколи не зупинятися на досягнутому »

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Заступник медичного директораРевматолог


Досвід роботи:
У практичній медицині: з 2012 року
Спеціалізація – сімейна медицина, кардіологія, ревматологія
У практичній ревматології : з 2021 року

Пріоритетні напрями в практичній діяльності:

- сучасні методи діагностики та лікування ревматологічних захворювань
- діагностика та лікування автоімунних захворювань:
- системних захворювань сполучної тканини
- дегеннеративні захворювання суглобів: остеоартрит колінних, кульшових, дрібних суглобів кистей і стоп, механічний біль у спині, ревматоїдний артрит, хвороба Шегрена, склеродерма, група васкулітів, група серонегативних спондилоартритів
- кристал-індуковані артрити: подагра, псевдоподагра
- інфекційні артрити
- хронічний больовий синдром та фіброміалгія
- лікування таких захворювань, як кріоглобулінемія, амілоїдоз, саркоїдоз, аутозапальні захворювання.
- проведення консультації на англійській мові
Життєве кредо: « Допомагати людям, покращувати якість їх життя»

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Досвід роботи:У практичній медицині: з 1989 рокуУ педіатрії : з 1989 року
Пріоритетні напрями в практичній діяльності:
- лікар-експерт у галузі вакцинації діток, надання консультації щодо вакцинації згідно календаря щеплень, складання індивідуального плану щеплень
- передовий лікар з питань діагностики, лікування та профілактики захворювань у дітей різної вікової категорії
- спостереження за станом здоров'я дітей віком з 0 до 18 років
- ведення новонароджених та консультації щодо догляду за немовлятами
- консультування з питань введення прикорму та харчування
- складання індивідуальних програм фізичної реабілітації

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Сімейний лікар


Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Лікар-косметолог, дерматолог


Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Досвід роботи:У практичній медицині: з 2014 рокуУ галузі акушерства й гінекології : з 2017 року
Пріоритетні напрями в практичній діяльності:- діагностика і лікування захворюванні органів малого тазу- проведення гінекологічних профоглядів - діагностика та лікування запальних захворювань та захворювань, що передаються статевим шляхом- діагностика та лікування захворювань шийки матки: кольпоскопія.- підбір методів контрацепції- гінекологічне УЗД, органів малого тазу, вагітність до 11 тижня- ведення вагітності

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Боднарчук Мирослава Олександрівна

Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Досвід роботи:У практичній медицині: з 2020 рокуУ гастроентерології: з 2023 року
Пріоритетні напрями в практичній діяльності:
- діагностика та лікування захворювань травної системи, а саме: гастрит, виразкова хвороба шлунку та дванадцятипалої кишки, функціональні захворювання травної системи, жовчокам'яна хвороба, холецистит, панкреатит, ентероколіт, хвороба Крона, виразковий коліт
- корекція патологічних станів: синдром мальабсорбції, синдром мальнутриції, гіпо- та авітаміноз, дефіцит мікро- та макронутрієнтів
- використовує тільки обґрунтовані методи діагностики та виключно доказові методи лікування
- індивідуальний підбір дієти в залежності від поставленої мети та стану здоров'я
- рекомендації щодо корекції ваги

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Терапевт (пульмонолог)


Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Судинний хірург


Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Лікар УЗД


Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Лікар УЗД


Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Лікар функціональної діагностики (ЕХО кардіоскопія)


Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Дитячий лікар УЗД та функціональної діагностики


Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Дитячий ревмокардіолог


Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Дитячий ортопед-травматолог


Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Дитячий хірург


Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Дитячий невролог


Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Реабілітолог, ерготерапевт

Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Фізичний терапевт, ерготерапевт

Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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Адміністратор систем


Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.
We are devoted to creating unique and innovative solutions along with the high-quality supporting services. Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across. This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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